CNN interviews Erik about the Frien Manhunt
On CNN's "Newsroom," Brooke Baldwin interviewed Erik Kulick live for his thoughts regarding Eric Frein's gear and supplies after he was finally captured by law enforcement for shooting two Pennsylvania State Troopers and spending forty-eight days on the run in the wilderness of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Backpacker puts together an expert panel to solve various problems
As part of its "Instant Upgrades" series, Backpacker consults Erik about how to best use land navigation skills to find potential water sources in late Summer and early Autumn.

Erik talks with Associated Press about Frein's chances of survival
"When you teach a person to survive, you're teaching them a way to be found. There's a difference between surviving and needing to evade, and that really handcuffs you,' said Erik Kulick, founder of True North Wilderness Survival School in Western Pennsylvania."

True North rated one of the Top 10 survival schools in the U.S.
The magazine, Survivor's Edge, "Before you grab your bug-out bag and head for the for the hills, stop and think: Can I survive three days in the woods with no gear or food? Here are 10 highly rated schools that will teach you what you need to know to survive and live off the land."

Erik takes Pittsburgh's David Highfield out for a survival Adventure
"You’ve probably seen reality TV shows such as "Survivor" or "Naked and Afraid," where people have to use their wits to survive in the wild. But, what’s it like in real life? It turns out, there’s a school in our area that teaches people how to survive in the wilderness."