Archive for November 2019

Passing SFAS Land Navigation with Confidence

You’ve committed yourself to challenge Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS).  Without a doubt, the road to becoming a Green Beret is one of the most grueling selection processes that the U.S. Army has to offer.  After all, it is intended to be a reliable predictor, not just of your ability to pass the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC), but your ability to function in those operational environments in which you will ultimately serve.  Now comes the hard part, preparing yourself physically and mentally to not just survive, but thrive, amid the many challenges ahead that your instructors will throw at you.  One will be the need to pass the land navigation course.  So we would like to offer you three tips to help you train. Over the years, the most common concern that our military clients have expressed to us at True North is their ability to pass the […]

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Snakebite Kits … Do They Work?

One of the topics that True North covers in its various wilderness medicine programs, like Wilderness First Aid, is how to properly manage a snakebite.  Although, despite popular belief, such incidents are not common, and so few people actually die as a result, I still feel the need — almost an obligation — to cover this topic for two reasons.  The first is, even if it’s just a 1:1,000 chance that you or someone else could be bitten, it still remains a possibility, so if it does happen, then you’ll likely be darn happy that I spent the extra time teaching you.  But the main reason is that I am routinely shocked by all of the misinformation and hyperbole that abounds — from newspapers to medical journals to even first-aid manuals — and the still too common belief in old fashioned treatments and remedies, not just in lay persons, but […]

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